Saturday, May 22, 2010

Update with a Handy IEM Link

I blogged a couple of days ago about all of the cool stuff on the Iowa Environmental Mesonet (IEM) site.  I pointed out the fact that the site is so vast and the feature set so rich that I'm sure there are countless tools I have yet to discover on the site.  Well, what do ya know...I've since discovered that they actually have an "update" page on their site that will introduce users to a different feature of the site each day.  Here is the link: 

Typical of the rest of the site, there's a lot of "stuff" that comes up when you click on the above link.  If you look at the area toward the upper left portion of the page, you'll see the caption "Daily IEM Feature".

I've accessed the link to that page probably a hundred times over the past year and only just now came to realize there was a "daily feature" on there!   Pretty handy.  You may not use all of the stuff featured there, but you're bound to make at least 1,000 discoveries that you didn't know about before!

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